Designing cheaper to run Homes

As with many complex projects, there is no one factor or idea that works for all economical building designs. What keeps buildings warm in winter may keep them too hot in summer; we need to approach climate in terms of keeping temperatures stable. Likewise, windows can cut the cost of lighting, but they can increase the cost of temperature control unless designed accordingly.

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Some data:

  • Walls tend to keep in the heat more than windows. They are cheaper too.
  • Brick Veneer cost about $100.oo per square meter; double glazed windows cost $350.oo per square meter.
  • Insulation for walls costs about $10.oo per square meter, $17.oo for ceilings.
  • Good seals around doors and windows help with heating costs.
  • Windows aimed toward the Sun help with light and heating, but these will also loose heat at night or when the sun has moved during the day.
  • Allowing a breeze through the house will reduce cooling costs in summer.
  • Hot air rises. If you find a way to let the hot air escape the house will be cooler.

Window Tinting Perth

Tinted windows block the Infrared light that heats up housing, and the UV light that damages carpet and furniture (and which also causes sunburn). Yet they allow all the visible light through, so you need not use electrical lighting during the day.

Tinted windows save money with lighting and heating costs.

House Window Tinting Perth          

Tinted windows can be incorporated into designs for new houses or added to existing homes. They will always have some advantages, lowering heating and cooling costs and virtually eliminating damaging UV light.

Consider adding tinted film to your home’s windows.

Car Window Tinting Chatswood

All the advantages of Ceramic window tinting apply to cars. Tinted film on the windows makes a huge difference in the summer heat and tends to look quite stylish too.