


那么对于电子商务来说,什么样的网站才会为用户提供更好的用户体验呢?作为网站,最重要的三点是外观,速度和功能,而这三大功能,也决定了用户体验的成败。作为专业的澳洲网站开发团队,GNA Web Design的团队会首先为您从外观上提升用户体验,使用简洁的布局方式,具有亲和力和延续性的颜色布局,让用户看得顺眼,乐意在网站上停留,感受更多的视觉效果,据有关资料统计,用户在网站停留的时间越长,就越有机会成为企业的潜在用户。说完设计,其次就是功能,网站需要有一个清晰的导航系统,让用户可以迅速找到要找的板块,更快的系统,更快的时间,更多的收入,而我们的GNA Web Deisgn拥有抓也UI设计师,能让您的UI更具人性化。最后一点是网站的速度,网站需要有一个稳定而且安全的虚拟主机,这样网站才能保证流畅的运行速度,更快的浏览速度,意味着用户不会因为冗长的等待时间而放弃浏览,增强用户体验,而GNA eMarketing的团队,就为您有一个流畅的网络托管和服务器有一套完整的方案让您的网站保持流畅。

选择GNA eMarketing团队,也是选择您的电子商务最佳用户体验的最短捷径。


茫茫人海的大数据时代,电子商务无疑是商机最大的蓝海,但并不是所有人都能从电子商务中分享到一杯羹,有的人做出了视觉效果一流的企业网站,但是却始终淹没在茫茫的因特网大海之中,甚少机会被他人看到,甚至有些企业的名字放进去谷歌搜索,找到的不是自己的公司,而是一家“李鬼”公司或者不搭边的网站,这极大影响了企业的电子商务发展,我们的GNA团队,除了有网站开发经验丰富的Web Design团队,还有专业的网站推广的eMarketing团队,我们eMarketing为您提供以下主要两方面的网络营销:1.网络营销策略 2.搜索引擎优化和GOOGLE的付费竞争。




选择GNA eMarketing团队,也是选择您的电子商务最大价值化的最短捷径。

Preparing a Good Impression

Real Estate Photo Retouching

Some aspects of a properties appearance can be corrected with Real estate Photo Editing. A few aspects resist correction. And even if a photo can be made to look good the interested party will want to look at the actual physical property. Occasionally something at the property will deter a potential buyer. And this may ultimately reduce the sale price and the offers made. Changing as aspect of the housing can make a world of difference to the impression received by the potential buyer; and the cost of the change may well be less than the increase in perceived value.


  • Paint in neutral colours. If people remember or refer to the house by the colour, then it’s too vivid.
  • Neatly trimmed yard. If the property looks like it needs works, this is a deterrent. Else, if the garden looks undergrown with no lawn, people don’t like that either.
  • This makes the house look smaller, and give the impression that the place requires work and has been neglected. A neatly set up room is good; an empty clean room can also make a good impression.
  • Avoid any time piece look. If the house looks like it was from the psychedelic 60s you will have limited interest. Yet, a rustic country house and some classis styles can be very appealing to some buyers.
  • Bathrooms and kitchens tend to get noticed as lease as much as anything else – they are the hardest thing to renovate, and buyers know this. If the bathroom, kitchen and tiling look sweet, clean and functional you have an advantage.
  • Any art that visitors might not like will probably create a bad impression. Of course they can remove it if they do buy- but the bad first impression is in their mind. Real Estate Photo Retouching Services often remove this in images, but you will need to take anything extreme out of the house.
  • Keep storage space like wardrobes almost empty. This fells like the house has plenty of room.
  • Though it does not show in a photo a house should smell good. A house that looks good in a photo will create a very bad impression if it smells bad. Consider using an ozone generator for a day, and then find a nice, neutral smell with some essential oils.


Real Estate Photo Editing Services can make you property photos look like your house under the most ideal conditions; but you need to tidy the house so it lives up to the good impression.

BITS malware

It seems there is always another way for attackers to sneak into your computer system. Presently some underhanded parties are abusing the Windows Background Intelligent Transfer System (BITS). After computer owners have their devices cleaned up with anti-virus software the BITS system is being misused to re-infect the machine.


BITS was created to transfer files when there was bandwidth available. The operator and computer continue to use the computer as normal; the BITS operates in the background to transfer information when the system is not too busy. There is a queue of jobs in BITS, with each job being given a certain amount of transfer time in succession. Each job in the queue has some of its data transferred, and leaves the queue when all its data is transferred.


Attackers and their malware are putting rogue jobs on the BITS.  These rogue jobs would cause the computer to download malware that would then re-infect the device. Even after the computer was cleaned with an anti-virus programme the malware would soon reappear. The malware included a command that causes the BITS to keep downloading the malware and reinfect the system no matter how many times the malware was removed. Computer owners are understandable frustrated.


Computer windows event logs do list these malicious malware transfers, but the details are limited and the problem is often goes unnoticed. Another reason why the problems goes unnoticed is that BITS is considered a trusted service and not subject to the computer’s firewall. Owners find the malware keeps reappearing, and cannot understand why.


Repair specialist will have to find way to deal with computers that have malware tasks on their Background Information Transfer Systems. Clearing all the BITS jobs would be one way; hopefully there is nothing that needed to be transferred, but at least this will not affect the files already on the system. At worse, BITS jobs expire after 90 days, meaning a cleaned up computer offline for this long will stop longer download malware. Of course, going offline for so long is impractical.  We need software to deal with this new backdoor to our computer systems.


Computer Repairs, Rhodes, Burwood, Concord, Homebush, Strathfield

At the first sign of problems have your computer checked by professionals. Even the latest anti-virus software may not protect against re-infection through the BITS.