mj clinic - acupuncture and massage strathfield

Most effects of acupuncture massage are good, but some are a reaction to an underlying issue. The effect isn’t bad; it’s normal, given that the individual isn’t in absolutely perfect health. If we were in perfect health we wouldn’t have gone for a massage!

Sometimes things seem to get a little worse before they feel better. Make no mistake, they are actually getting better, it just feels uncomfortable at first; like losing a bad habit or giving up an addiction.

 Symptoms – Massage Burwood

Sometimes the very symptoms we went to have treated seem to get worse. This is termed a healing crisis. Your body is returning to correct functioning, and you healing systems is starting to work. You are probably experiencing heightened sensitivity, which means you notice bodily sensations that were previously in the background. You are also probably loosening muscles that you previously held tight. This can be simultansously uncomfortable and gratifying. Ever go on a skiing and feel sore because of all those muscles you don’t usually use? You muscles will be better for the experience, and there can be a gratification in this tiredness.

Tiredness – Massage Concord

It is not uncommon to feel fatigue after a massage.  Many people feel more energy, especially if they are regular patients. But after the first few sessions you might well feel tired.  This is neither unpleasant or a cause for concern. The tiredness feels like a continuation of what you felt during the massage. After a bath a nights rest you will better than your usual self.

Soreness – Acupuncture and Massage Homebush.

Were this only acupuncture it would seems obvious to the naïve- of course sticking things into me will make me sore; I’m surprised it isn’t worse! But the point is the treatment is helping. Like the recently exercised muscles the soreness is a sign of improvement.

Massage and acupuncture might be considered alternative aprouches by some, but they are very effective for many conditions, or just for feeling a lot better. Try an alternative to your present lifestyle, and find something new.

MJ Clinc offer massage and acupuncture for Strathfield, Concord, Homebush and Burwood.