


那么对于电子商务来说,什么样的网站才会为用户提供更好的用户体验呢?作为网站,最重要的三点是外观,速度和功能,而这三大功能,也决定了用户体验的成败。作为专业的澳洲网站开发团队,GNA Web Design的团队会首先为您从外观上提升用户体验,使用简洁的布局方式,具有亲和力和延续性的颜色布局,让用户看得顺眼,乐意在网站上停留,感受更多的视觉效果,据有关资料统计,用户在网站停留的时间越长,就越有机会成为企业的潜在用户。说完设计,其次就是功能,网站需要有一个清晰的导航系统,让用户可以迅速找到要找的板块,更快的系统,更快的时间,更多的收入,而我们的GNA Web Deisgn拥有抓也UI设计师,能让您的UI更具人性化。最后一点是网站的速度,网站需要有一个稳定而且安全的虚拟主机,这样网站才能保证流畅的运行速度,更快的浏览速度,意味着用户不会因为冗长的等待时间而放弃浏览,增强用户体验,而GNA eMarketing的团队,就为您有一个流畅的网络托管和服务器有一套完整的方案让您的网站保持流畅。

选择GNA eMarketing团队,也是选择您的电子商务最佳用户体验的最短捷径。


茫茫人海的大数据时代,电子商务无疑是商机最大的蓝海,但并不是所有人都能从电子商务中分享到一杯羹,有的人做出了视觉效果一流的企业网站,但是却始终淹没在茫茫的因特网大海之中,甚少机会被他人看到,甚至有些企业的名字放进去谷歌搜索,找到的不是自己的公司,而是一家“李鬼”公司或者不搭边的网站,这极大影响了企业的电子商务发展,我们的GNA团队,除了有网站开发经验丰富的Web Design团队,还有专业的网站推广的eMarketing团队,我们eMarketing为您提供以下主要两方面的网络营销:1.网络营销策略 2.搜索引擎优化和GOOGLE的付费竞争。




选择GNA eMarketing团队,也是选择您的电子商务最大价值化的最短捷径。


随着智能手机的不断更新换代,越来越多的人不再是坐在电脑桌前上网,而是使用手机上网阅读最新的资讯和娱乐,购物更是家常便饭。掌握移动商机无限,最近火热的手游Pocketmon GO就是移动无限潜在商机的最好诠释。当今的年轻人,更愿意使用手机上网的原因是PC版的网站虽然华美,但是结构和导航系统复杂,年轻人往往因为难以查找所需信息而放弃浏览,由此一来,既给用户带来不好的体验,又流失了客户,因此,一个企业拥有一个友好的手机网站或者手机应用程序是势在必行的趋势,这不仅仅让客户有一个完整的电子商务体验,更大幅度提高了企业的形象。


GNA Web Design团队,作为悉尼网站制作和开发的行业里面的知名企业,不仅PC用户端网站开发技术精湛,而且同样具备丰富的手机网站和手机应用程序开发的经验。首先我们会为您量身订造一个PC端的网站,美观上为您和绝大多数相关行业客户喜欢的设计,在您拍板确定后,我们的设计人员会为您开发出保留PC端美术风格的手机网站,这样一来,比起那些相对结构简单的纯手机网站,您的网站不仅继承了手机网站的结构和导航方便易懂,还继承了PC端具有现代商业气息的企业网站风格,两者均取其所长,最终为您的网络营销建立了最好的品牌形象。

选择GNA Web Design团队,也是选择您的电子商务最大价值化的最短捷径。

Some Factors in Design



Our brains tend to like matching or contrasting colours.  Some creative individuals can picture this in their head and some up with a design that works. Other creative people do it by trial and error. If you are stuck, find a colour wheel and either look at colours on opposite sides of the circle, or divide the wheel three ways and go for a three way contrast.


Colour selection and contrast applied to everything from business suits to architecture and furniture. Use it to design plastic model decals or temporary tattoos. Remember that the surface colour where the decal is applied is also a consideration.



We find certain shapes and ratios pleasing. The ancient Greeks noticed that people found the golden ratio ( 1 to 1.618… ) very appealing, and used in in sculptures, art, vases, building and many other things. The same ratio crops up in many designs today, often unconsciously. People design many things using the golden ratio, even if they don’t actually know about it. They simply came up with something that looked right.


Circles, triangles and other neatly proportioned shapes are also pleasing, but they can be plain and obvious on their own. But if they are the underlying template behind other designs they can work to our advantage. Many painters created portraits over simple rectangles and circles. The painted portrait covers up the original geometric shapes, but we get the impression of the geometry when we see the final painting.



Perhaps the least discussed issue of design, but the one most noticed if it is missing. The pieces of any design must fit together into something coherent. Again, we often do this unconsciously; we think of the art we want to create, and put the pieces together as if they were meant to be a cohesive whole. Then again, some artists occasionally but deliberately pursue incoherence.


Guitar Decals might take many forms, from our individual musical inspiration to landscapes, logos or religious affiliation. The only requirement is that they look right on the surface of the guitar. Following the curves of the instrument tend to give a good effect.


在澳大利亞悉尼的華人社區中,都有不少的網站開發或者 Marketing公司。但是,在他們當中,要不只有網站開發沒有市場推廣,要不就是只有市場推廣而沒有網站開發業務,並沒有多少能為中小企業的網絡營銷推廣提供一站式服務。只有GNA eMarketing為澳洲中小企業的網絡營銷推廣提供最完整的一站式服務:網站設計,網站開發,網站維護,網絡營銷和推廣,競爭付費廣告託管,電子商務策劃等全方位整合解決方案。





Rainbow Embroidery

Cheap supplies save money

This is the same principle with almost anything- a cheap and nasty alternative causes problems and actually wastes time and probably money. If cheap thread breaks you have to spend time resetting the machine- this is reason enough not to do it. Colourfast issues are another reason.

On the other hand buying in bulk can save you money. This is not a cheap product, just saving money through wiser purchasing. The principle doesn’t apply to some other areas like cooking, where a product has a limited shelf life. But sewing materials last for years. Stock up if you buy in bulk, find a bargain, or are lucky to find the one or two inexpensive alternatives that actually do work well.

Stick with the brands that came with the machine

Well, that is one option. Try the others, the quality will vary. Try to find some tests for your products, like how easily it breaks, does it fade in hot water, or lose colour with bleach or sunlight. Experiment and find the best results. Or Google to find what works for others.

Rayon is never colourfast.

Well, I have had rayon threads that faded with bleach and in hot water, but I’ve had a few brands that didn’t. As some of the garments I embroider aren’t colourfast either it doesn’t always matter. If it’s a dry clean garment, and you want that glossy look of rayon, then embroider with it.

On the other hand we now have trilobal polyester threads which have the sheen of rayon but are also quite strong.

You need to sew in order to do embroidery

Not really. They both use needle and thread, but that’s where the resemblance ends. Then again, people can do both.

Printing and other image systems have replaced embroidery

Not really. Jeans will not replace business suits or tuxedos; one is for formal wear, the other is for casual. It’s the same for embroidery, which is the more classy way to put an emblem or image on a piece of cloth.

If you want that classy look for uniforms or family items look into custom embroidery services with Sydney rainbow Embroidery.