Misconceptions About Eyesight

Carrots are good for your eyes;

Well, not exactly. A healthy diet is certainly good for keeping your eyesight, and vegetables like carrots should be part of this. But once you eyesight is fully functional it cannot get any better. A poor diet will damage your eyes; good diet significantly helps keep the eyesight you have.

Vision loss cannot be treated.

There is always something to improve partial vision. Glasses, contacts, orthokeratology treatments at night, laser surgery for some conditions. Talk to you doctor and optometrist.

The Sun cannot hurt your eyes

UV light form the Sun can certainly have a negative impact over time. More than 50% of pensioners have cataracts, many of which could have been prevented with proper protection. Protect your eyes with UV sunglasses.

Reading in dim Light can damage your eyes.

There is no evidence for this; dim light is just inconvenient. As we get older we need brighter light as contrast tends to fade, but that is the natural process of aging.

Sitting too close to the TV will damage your eyes.

Again, it doesn’t seem to do any permanent harm, though it has no real benefits either. Sitting too close to TVs or computer monitors can cause tiredness; there might be some heath issues with radiation, but this seems unlikely.

The wrong prescription of glasses will damage eyes.

Partly true. Children under 6 can suffer poor eye development if the prescription is wrong; this should be immediately attended to if the child show evidence of poor vision. For most other people the wrong glasses will cause poor co-ordination, tired eyes, and run the risk of serious accidents, but not really damage the eyes directly. If you suspect the prescription is wrong then contact a Sydney optometrist.

Glasses will cure learning disabilities.

Not really. Poor vision can cause learning problems and be misdiagnosed as a learning disability, but it is not really a learning disability, it has simply been mistaken for one. An exception to this is that some dyslexics seem to benefit from tinted glasses, but this is unrelated to the eyes focusing and is still controversial

Contact your Sydney CBD optometrist if you have any concerns about eyesight for you or your family.